Building a BSD Router Project Image

See the BSD Router page for detail about the organisation of the software and administration of such a router.

These instructions are intended for building a BSD Router Project image with HUBS customisations from scratch. It is quite likely that the pre-built images in the download section of this web site will suffice for most purposes.

The process here is substantially the same as with the stock BSD Router Project scripts, however these ones contain some modifications and customisations, mainly in different choices of which packages to include as well as support for optimised kernel configuration files specific to a particular device.

In principle it should not be impossible to execute this build on a computer running an operating other than FreeBSD. In particular NetBSD and OpenBSD should be straightforward. Linux or MacOS perhaps not and it might be a better idea to run a virtual machine with FreeBSD for the build on these systems.

The build does not require any special software, and should work on either amd64 or i386 build hosts.

Check out the build harness

Requires git(1), clearly

% git clone
Start the build

The example session below shows the building of the image using a kernel configuration optimised for the Soekris Net5501 (such is the meaning of the -m command line flag).

Should it be necessary to re-run the build, for example to add a package, where it isn't necessary to spend time rebuilding the operating system, the flags -w, -k and -b will prevent rebuilding the userland (world), the kernel or both, respectively.

Inspecting the output, log files are placed in the object directory and can be looked at more closely in case anything goes wrong.

The build may take some time, perhaps an our or two starting from scratch, given the time to download a fresh copy of the FreeBSD source tree and build the whole system.

When finished, the images along with some checksums and the like can be found in /usr/obj/BSDRP.i386, and can be used to install a new system or upgrade an existing one:

gallows# ls -lah /usr/obj/BSDRP.i386/BSDRP*
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel   130B Jul 23 18:30
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel    18M Jul 23 18:27
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel   116K Jul 23 18:27
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel   133B Jul 23 18:28
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel    18M Jul 23 18:27

Example build output:

% cd bsdrp
% ./ -a i386 -c serial -m HUBS-NET5501
# BSD Router Project image build script
# Will generate an BSDRP image with theses values:
# - Target architecture: i386
# - Console : serial
# - Kernel: HUBS-NET5501
# - Source Updating/installing: NO
# - Build the full world (take about 1 hour): NO
# - FAST mode (skip compression and checksumming): NO
# - Debug image type: NO
### Copying i386 Kernel configuration file
# Launching NanoBSD build process...
00:00:00 # NanoBSD image BSDRP build starting
00:00:00 ## Skipping buildworld (as instructed)
00:00:00 ## Skipping buildkernel (as instructed)
00:00:00 ## Clean and create world directory (/usr/obj/BSDRP.i386/_.w)
00:00:00 ## Construct install make.conf
00:00:00 ## installworld
00:00:00 ### log: /usr/obj/BSDRP.i386/_.iw
00:00:26 ## install /etc
00:00:26 ### log: /usr/obj/BSDRP.i386/_.etc
00:00:27 ## configure nanobsd /etc
00:00:27 ## install kernel (HUBS-NET5501)
00:00:27 ### log: /usr/obj/BSDRP.i386/_.ik
00:00:28 ## run customize scripts
00:00:28 ## customize "add_pkg_net-mgmt_net-snmp"
00:00:28 ### log: /usr/obj/BSDRP.i386/_.cust.add_pkg_net-mgmt_net-snmp
00:00:33 ## customize "add_pkg_net_quagga-re"
00:00:33 ### log: /usr/obj/BSDRP.i386/_.cust.add_pkg_net_quagga-re
00:00:34 ## customize "add_pkg_net_bird"
00:00:34 ### log: /usr/obj/BSDRP.i386/_.cust.add_pkg_net_bird
00:00:35 ## customize "add_pkg_net_bird6"
00:00:35 ### log: /usr/obj/BSDRP.i386/_.cust.add_pkg_net_bird6
00:00:35 ## customize "add_pkg_net_freevrrpd"
00:00:35 ### log: /usr/obj/BSDRP.i386/_.cust.add_pkg_net_freevrrpd
00:00:35 ## customize "add_pkg_net_ucarp"
00:00:35 ### log: /usr/obj/BSDRP.i386/_.cust.add_pkg_net_ucarp
00:00:35 ## customize "add_pkg_net_mcast-tools"
00:00:35 ### log: /usr/obj/BSDRP.i386/_.cust.add_pkg_net_mcast-tools
00:00:36 ## customize "add_pkg_net_mrouted"
00:00:36 ### log: /usr/obj/BSDRP.i386/_.cust.add_pkg_net_mrouted
00:00:36 ### log: /usr/obj/BSDRP.i386/_.cust.add_pkg_net_mrouted
00:00:36 ## customize "add_pkg_net_pimdd"
00:00:36 ### log: /usr/obj/BSDRP.i386/_.cust.add_pkg_net_pimdd
00:00:36 ## customize "add_pkg_net-mgmt_fprobe"
00:00:36 ### log: /usr/obj/BSDRP.i386/_.cust.add_pkg_net-mgmt_fprobe
00:00:36 ## customize "add_pkg_net_isc-dhcp42-server"
00:00:36 ### log:
00:00:37 ## customize "add_pkg_net_isc-dhcp42-relay"
00:00:37 ### log:
00:00:37 ## customize "add_pkg_dns_djbdns"
00:00:37 ### log: /usr/obj/BSDRP.i386/_.cust.add_pkg_dns_djbdns
00:00:38 ## customize "add_pkg_mail_ssmtp"
00:00:38 ### log: /usr/obj/BSDRP.i386/_.cust.add_pkg_mail_ssmtp
00:00:38 ## customize "add_pkg_sysutils_tmux"
00:00:38 ### log: /usr/obj/BSDRP.i386/_.cust.add_pkg_sysutils_tmux
00:00:39 ## customize "add_pkg_sysutils_ipmitool"
00:00:39 ### log: /usr/obj/BSDRP.i386/_.cust.add_pkg_sysutils_ipmitool
00:00:39 ## customize "add_pkg_security_sudo"
00:00:39 ### log: /usr/obj/BSDRP.i386/_.cust.add_pkg_security_sudo
00:00:40 ## customize "add_pkg_net_mpd5"
00:00:40 ### log: /usr/obj/BSDRP.i386/_.cust.add_pkg_net_mpd5
00:00:40 ## customize "add_pkg_benchmarks_netpipe"
00:00:40 ### log:
00:00:40 ## customize "add_pkg_benchmarks_iperf"
00:00:40 ### log: /usr/obj/BSDRP.i386/_.cust.add_pkg_benchmarks_iperf
00:00:40 ## customize "add_pkg_net_pchar"
00:00:40 ### log: /usr/obj/BSDRP.i386/_.cust.add_pkg_net_pchar
00:00:41 ## customize "add_pkg_editors_nano"
00:00:41 ### log: /usr/obj/BSDRP.i386/_.cust.add_pkg_editors_nano
00:00:41 ## customize "add_pkg_security_openvpn"
00:00:41 ### log: /usr/obj/BSDRP.i386/_.cust.add_pkg_security_openvpn
00:00:41 ## customize "add_netrate"
00:00:41 ### log: /usr/obj/BSDRP.i386/_.cust.add_netrate
00:00:44 ## customize "add_quagga-bgp-netgen"
00:00:44 ### log: /usr/obj/BSDRP.i386/_.cust.add_quagga-bgp-netgen
00:00:44 ## customize "cleanup_ports"
00:00:44 ### log: /usr/obj/BSDRP.i386/_.cust.cleanup_ports
00:00:44 ## customize "shrink_md_fbsize"
00:00:44 ### log: /usr/obj/BSDRP.i386/_.cust.shrink_md_fbsize
00:00:44 ## customize "cust_install_files"
00:00:44 ### log: /usr/obj/BSDRP.i386/_.cust.cust_install_files
00:00:44 ## customize "bsdrp_custom"
00:00:44 ### log: /usr/obj/BSDRP.i386/_.cust.bsdrp_custom
00:00:48 ## customize "cust_allow_ssh_root"
00:00:48 ### log: /usr/obj/BSDRP.i386/_.cust.cust_allow_ssh_root
00:00:48 ## customize "bsdrp_console_serial"
00:00:48 ### log: /usr/obj/BSDRP.i386/_.cust.bsdrp_console_serial
00:00:48 ## configure nanobsd setup
00:00:48 ### log: /usr/obj/BSDRP.i386/_.dl
00:00:49 ## run late customize scripts
00:00:49 ## build diskimage
00:00:49 ### log: /usr/obj/BSDRP.i386/_.di
00:01:14 # NanoBSD image BSDRP completed
# NanoBSD build seems finish successfully.
# Compressing BSDRP upgrade image...
/usr/obj/BSDRP.i386/BSDRP_1.2_upgrade_i386_serial.img (1/1)
  100 %        17.7 MiB / 101.9 MiB = 0.173   1.8 MiB/s       0:58
# Generating checksum for BSDRP upgrade image...
# BSDRP upgrade image file here:
# /usr/obj/BSDRP.i386/BSDRP_1.2_upgrade_i386_serial.img.xz
# Compressing BSDRP full image...
/usr/obj/BSDRP.i386/BSDRP_1.2_full_i386_serial.img (1/1)
  100 %        17.7 MiB / 244.1 MiB = 0.073   3.1 MiB/s       1:19
# Generating checksum for BSDRP full image...
# Zipped BSDRP full image file here:
# /usr/obj/BSDRP.i386/BSDRP_1.2_full_i386_serial.img.xz
# Zipping and renaming mtree...
/usr/obj/BSDRP.i386/BSDRP_1.2_full_i386_serial.img.mtree (1/1)
  100 %       116.2 KiB / 491.4 KiB = 0.236
# Security reference mtree file here:
# /usr/obj/BSDRP.i386/BSDRP_1.2_full_i386_serial.img.mtree.xz
# Done !